Friday, November 17, 2006

Sweet Greens

Hi girls. Great idea! Here’s my first contribution! -J

Bring 3 inches of water to a boil in a saucepan.
Take half of one head of kale.
Chop off the thick part of the stalk.
Rinse and roughly chop leaves.
Add greens to water, stir until bright green and let cook
2 minutes.
Drain greens and place in serving bowl.

In small bowl combine 1 TB olive oil, 1 TB real maple
, ½ TB balsamic vinegar, or any quantity you
want in ratio of 1:1:1/2.
Whisk together until blended.
Pour over greens and toss thoroughly.

Serve! Enjoy! Easy! :)


Anonymous said...

more greens recipe please, oh greens guru!

Heather said...

Here here!!